A logo is that concept, symbol, graphic element that represents your company. In other words the logo is the element that helps identify you in a sea of brands.
The purpose of a logo is to add value, but a logo by itself does not instantly achieve this goal. A logo gains its value as it is used, duplicated and applied to items over time. A great logo instantly connects the people with the product. For example the logo for Coca Cola is known world-wide, when you see this logo, you immediately differentiate it from competitors.
In order to add value to your brand and stand out of the crowd, we then must understand the process of how the brain retains information. Logos have to be designed with the utmost simplicity in order to create longevity, maximum scalability and brand recognition. Below are the three things that the brain remembers with logos.
#1. The Shape of your logo should be easy to memorize
Above all things in logos the human brain remembers shapes first. The shape of your icon should be very simple, clean and crisp. It should also be able to scale to large formats and remain legible at small sizes. A complicated shape puts people in a difficult position. People should never be put in a position to figure out what your logo is trying to communicate. Look at the picture below. Apple uses this philosophy so well that they dont bother to even write the word "Apple" anymore. Its only the symbol.
#2. Color makes the world go "Buy"
I teach a lot about color psychology in my "WOW Image Brandin Seminars" all across the country. It has become a teaching that people expect from me. I believe that colors evoke certain emotion and can be very persuasive when it comes to purchasing. Have you ever wondered why most fast food restaurants use the color "red". Its because the color red registers with the area of the brain that stimulates hunger and is more conducive to a relaxed eating environment. This work in the fast food industry. Could you imagine if they used baby blue. It just may spoil your appetite. McDonalds is a master at this concept.
#3. Words, keep it short and sweet.
As a branding guy and business consultant I run across a lot of companies and what I find is that the names of the companies confuse potential clients more than they clarify. Names that tend to be long or hard to pronounce are a "no no". A name that I personally love is BlackBerry. Its a name thats fun to say and has become very catchy. So next time you name a company, keep it short and sweet. Your pockets will thank you.
Your logo is only the foundation of building your brand. Its not a ceiling, but its a floor. Once you have a solid logo and name, then you should craft a solid message around it and position yourself for greatness.
For more information or to book LaVon Lewis for speaking engagements please call 404.260.4331.
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