Thursday, January 12, 2012

It isn't something you do, its something you are.

Most people walk up to me and ask what is a brand and you would be surprised that most business owners don't exactly know, even-though everyone has one. You see a brand is not only a logo, symbol, website or blog by itself, but it is a culmination of a customers entire experience. A brand starts with your message and expands to your visuals, customer service and relationships. All of these things lead to higher brand credence. Your brand is not something that you do, but its who you are. 

  • Why the great fail...

This lack of understanding is why a company can offer an awesome product with sub par customer service and sub par staff performance and go out of business. A customer doesn't pay for a product. They pay for an experience and your brand is touch point #1 of that experience and it then ends with the delivery of a brand and product. Not the reverse.

  • Companies are owned by people, brands are owned by your perception

As brands are created we are always fighting to set and keep a certain perception with our target market. Notice I did not say everyone, but a target market. If you think that your client is everyone then your doomed to go out of business. The challenge is to keep your target market consistently maintaining a positive perception about your brand, because at the end of the day perception is reality and what they think is the brand. The brand is actually their perception. Go figure...

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