Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Marketing Backwards

I was recently at the barbershop getting a haircut and as I was reading an article on my phone about marketing my barber looked over my shoulder and asked "What is it that your reading?". After he saw that I was reading about marketing, he then ask the question, "What are the three rules of marketing?". 

Instead of going over the 3 rules of marketing, I chose to start at the steps prior to marketing. I think that these are steps that business owners often miss , which creates a crash and burn marketing campaign. Take a look at my SocialCam video as I walk through the steps below. 

Rule #1: Who are you?
Know who you are and what makes you different. Find a problem and solve it. Without this you will never know where you stand in the market.

Rule #2: Communicate who you are
The purpose of branding is to visually communicate your value to the marketplace. Its that simple. After you figure out what problem you solve, then your responsibility is to package your company via a logo, flyer, billboard, brochure, commercial, radio ad, signage, etc. and communicate how you will solve that problem. People won't buy what they don't remember so lets get to it. 

Rule #3: Brand Distribution (Marketing)
After you have discovered who you are and what problem you actually solve in addition to branding yourself, then it is now time to market yourself. Yes marketing is distributing yourself to the marketplace in order to gain market-share. 

We often market first, brand second and then figure out who we are. Now thats just marketing backwards. 

If you like these tips let me know via the following outlets.

Facebook: LaVon Lewis
Web: ( coming soon)
Linked In: LaVon Lewis

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